Are cloth diapers difficult??

So many people shy away from trying out cloth diapers because they’re confused or scared it will be hard. Here’s a great guest post from our friend Jessica at BebeAuric, a local Montreal cloth diapering service that will demystify the whole process for...
March Break in Montreal

March Break in Montreal

It’s mid-week of Quebec’s 2019 March break and you’re probably running out of ideas for what to do with your babies or young kids. We know, we’re right there with you! The weather is cold, you’re over winter and you just need something-...
So You Want To Get Your Pre-Pregnancy Body Back?

So You Want To Get Your Pre-Pregnancy Body Back?

If you’ve had a baby or are on your way there, then you’ve definitely heard these popular words somewhere; on the cover of a magazine, a friend or your sister complaining about herself after giving birth or even from your own mouth: I need to get my...
Is this a Lamaze class?

Is this a Lamaze class?

So apparently when you get pregnant, you’re supposed to head straight to Google and type in “Lamaze classes in Montreal” and then get really confused when you realize they don’t truly exist. Prenatal classes in Montreal, and every other city...
Never Say Never When it Comes to Parenting

Never Say Never When it Comes to Parenting

I was a typical first time mom, expecting my first son in the spring of 2010. I walked around, rubbing my belly, ignoring all the advice I was getting from experienced parents I knew, because obviously I had my ideas and my expectations of how parenting was going to...
How to Survive the Holidays with a New Baby

How to Survive the Holidays with a New Baby

Baby’s First Christmas. Baby’s First Chanukah. Baby’s First Kwanzaa. Whatever it is you’re celebrating this year, it’s so exciting to be doing it all with your new baby! Or is it? Celebrating the holidays with a new baby can be a little...